Como empeso? (How it all got started) USA 1994

But as with everything, there must be a begining did it all get started where are the connections?
Let us go back! 1990 -> It was my senior year in High School I saw Argentina reach the finals, again Thanks to the magic of Maradona! We lost to Germany on a BOGUS penalty call 1-0, It was our final to win (so we owe Germany BIG TIME)
Anyhow Ronald traveled to Italy for the world cup and met the two brothers that live in Cologne Adrian and Ariel (seen on the right with cigarette in mouth) Marcelo (at the end on the right), Gustavo (squatting infront of the infamous Apata flag). They met back up 4 years later in Boston this shot was before the game against Nigeria outside the youth hostile where they all staye din Boston.
I met Ronlad by chance because I saw an add in the paper in which he was looking for Tickets to Argentina games and he had some to sell. Turned out we lived not to far from each other so we kept in touch and made plans to travel to see the game in Dallas. My brother Eduardo lived in NJ at the time and we drove from there to Boston to see the first few games.
Como todo en la vida, hay un punto inicial donde empiesa todo! Para mi fue en el 94 cuando lo conoci a Ronald..primero por telefono, respondi a una viso que puso el de compra y venta de entradas de Argentina! Charlamos unos minutos y nos dimos cuenta que vivamos cerca y que eramos fanaticos de la seleccion.
Ronald conocio a los hermanos que viven en Cologne Adrian y Ariel (est en la foto de lado derecha en el medio con un faso en la boca). Marcelo "el Bostero" que esta al costado de Ariel y Gustavo que esta agachado enfrente de el trapo Apta! Aca estaban en Boston enfrente del albergue justo antes del partido de Nigeria!
Asi empeso esta historia!
At 2:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
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